Learning—and Confessing—That Our Unexplained Infertility Was All My Fault

By Amy Gallo Ryan When we transferred genetically tested embryos for the first time, it felt like the fertility equivalent of playing with a stacked deck. It was our fifth IVF embryo transfer, but our doctor was so convinced we would be successful that he initiated near-daily conversations about how many embryos we should transfer. […]

When it Comes to Exercise and Fertility, What’s the Right Amount?

By Mahri Relin I worked with women through their pregnancies and beyond for a long time before fertility as a fitness issue truly entered my consciousness.  When a few close friends a few years ago experienced multiple miscarriages and failed IVF experiences, however, I began to think more carefully about it as a factor in […]

“I Tested Positive for Coronavirus in the Middle of an IVF Cycle”

While our struggles with infertility only go back two years, it feels like they are ingrained in our four-year marriage as solidly as any of its other defining characteristics. Infertility is a part of who we are now, and I feel that acutely. That the key chapters of our fertility story would hit right in […]

The FREEdom Method: How I Went From Feeling Helpless to Getting Pregnant Naturally Within Months

Imagine you are driving and you suddenly come upon a roadblock. What do you do? You could throw up your hands and resolve to give up and camp out right there to live forever, or you can back up and find an alternative route to get to your destination. I know it probably sounds ridiculous […]

How a Ketogenic Diet Lead to A Healthy Pregnancy: Sarah’s Story

I thought that I’d failed as a woman.  Around me, I would find people having babies everywhere.  Of course I was happy for them, but on the other hand I kept wondering, Why isn’t it working for me?  I was filled with great fears that I might never become a mother.  The social pressure as well as the longing […]

What Does Your Heart Truly Desire? An Overlooked Step In The Infertility Journey

by Josephine Atluri Our infertility journey was an arduous battle that spanned the course of 15 years. Our quest to create a family began with many years of failed IVF treatments and miscarriages then finally becoming pregnant, only to lose our boy/girl twins at 17 weeks.  After this devastating experience, we pivoted the direction of […]

Q & A w/ Kristen of @ILikeMyEggsFertilised

Is there such thing as a “perfect embryo”? If so, what does it look like? Yes I have seen text book perfect embryos! A perfect day 3 would have even cells with minimal fragmentation. A perfect blastocyst would have a nice big inner cell mass with tightly packed cells and many layers of plump trophectoderm […]